Rich Complexions is an educational site on sun safety awareness, sun protection and complexion maintenance. The primary purpose is to inspire individuals with skin of color to celebrate their real beauty which embraces the pride and heritage of their skin tone.

Whether your ethnicity and skin care needs are related to your Black skin, Latina skin, Asian skin, or Indian skin, this site is meant for you. covers topics related to Skin conditions caused by sun and environmental damage from medications that cause Sun Sensitivity to Hyperpigmentation to Hair/Scalp damage to Skin Cancer. The site contains skin care tips and advice designed to help individuals with skin of color understand their skin type and to improve their overall health and social well-being.

The mission of is to help sunscreen become EVERYDAY use among the skin of color community. There is a deep cultural belief that individuals with melanin skin does NOT need sun protection. The truth is your pigmentation issues or challenges will NEVER get better WITHOUT the use of sunscreen.